06 June 2009

I Got Tagged...

I got tagged, for the first time by Pui Yee! 
But, at least i have something to post =)

1. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Very tired...

2. Would you consider yourself as a well-being person?
Yes, I think so, you can say that.

3. Have you ever visited an orphanage or an old folk's home?
Yea twice!

4. Have you ever had a best friend who is trustworthy?
Yea, but only a few.

5. Do you want someone to be dead?

6. Do you love to go to school?
It depends on which year you talk about.

7. Who was the last person who texted you?
Ian Oh Mun Yik.

8. Do you want any food to eat right now?
Yes Yes Yesss!!!

9. What are you doing right now?

10. What are you thinking right now?
I'm thinking what should I reply to this question.

11. List 15 lucky people whom you tag:
1) Yui
2) Bryan
3) Christine
4) Jnel
5) Kenn
6) JoonGil
7) Michelle
8) Raymond
9) Tenzho
10) Trushal
11) Christine
12) Amanda
13) Haruka
14) Trinity
15) Ghost 

12. Is no.10 you close friend?

13. Does no.3 knows no.4?
Yes, they are best friends, I think...

14. Is no.13 single?

15. Does no.6 loves studying?
Yea i think so, his studying more than ever now...

16. Is no.1 a genius?
Errr... Maybe ( I don't think so )

17. When was the last time you chatted with no.11?

18. Say no.5's characteristic.
Curious, talkative, determine.

19. What will you do if no.14 and no.15 fight?
I'll freak out that Trinity can see ghosts and even fight with them...

20. Do you like being friends with no.2 and no.12?
Yup, more friends the better.

21. Does no.7 have siblings?
Yea, i think so.

22. Does no.8 and no.9 love music?

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