28 April 2009
24 April 2009
Hip-Hop Performance

10 April 2009
Psions - Chapter 2
By the moment Creo lifted his right hand up, the secret he had kept for seventeen years has been reveal. An invisible force shoots out from Creo’s palm, knocks the person on the bike that is up in the sky away. The person quickly leaps of his bike, and land right in front of Creo. The bike falls down and crashed into a tree beside the road. Creo came down from his bike and asks, “Who are you?” with anger. The person took of his helmet and reveals his face. He has short spiky blond hair and the scariest look Creo had ever seen. His eyes got Creo’s attention; it was a cold blue color. It gives a shiver down Creo’s spine when he looked into his eyes. The man has a killer’s eyes. “Just the same as you, my friend,” replied the man with a grin. “What do you want?” Creo shot back. “What do I want, there are many things that I want, as much as the stars up in the sky. Which one do you want to know?” the man started to laugh. “Stop kidding around. What do you want from me?” Creo shouted, his anger rising. “Haha… chill, my friend. You’re just about to know.” and the man lifted his arm.
A ball of water appears in front of the man’s palm, the waterball gets bigger and bigger. After the waterball is as the size of a beach ball, the next second it froze and turned into an iceball. This progress just happened in two seconds. The iceball then came rushing towards Creo, but Creo was fast, he quickly kneels down. The man grins and made more iceball, but now with sharp icy spikes. Creo also grins, get ready his hands in the air and said: “You’re a Psion?” The man shoots five spiky iceball at Creo, but with a wave of his palm all the iceball dropped to the ground. “Yes, I practice hyrdokinesis and cyrokinesis. What about you?” the man said and creates a new waterball again. “What do you really want from me?” Creo said ignoring his question. The man didn’t reply, he was focusing very hard on a waterball. The waterball grew and grew, already bigger than the beach ball by now. Creo was annoyed and asks again, “What do you want? I had never seen another Psion before; you had surprised me appearing today. I have many problems, maybe you can help me, but please stop attacking me!” The man didn’t reply him again; the waterball has become as big as a cannon ball, and it started to freeze.
Creo was starting to get worried about that huge iceball in front of the man; he was starting to get doubts on whether he can stop it. The iceballs are growing spikes now, millions of them popping out. Creo though maybe he should try making a psi shield, yes maybe that will work. The very purpose of psi shield is to block psychic attacks, and he started creating it. He imagines the energy from his body flowing out his palm, the energy creating bricks of psi building the shield. “Its time.” the man suddenly said and shot the huge spiky iceball towards Creo. Creo panicked, he hasn’t finish creating the psi shield. He then suddenly forgot how to move, as he was just born. He stood immobile, staring at the iceball flying towards him. And the last thing that he felt was a very big smack on his face.